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The Blank Book - Luke's Gospel for the Cafe*

Project Duration:       Three years from 2007 to 2010

Total Project Costs:  £18,000/$36,000/€25,000

Number of speakers:10,000

*Cafe is not the real name of the people group. A pseudonym has been used to protect the work. The people group are in Africa and are in an area where another major religion has significant influence.

The People:
The Cafe* people live in rural villages around hills and mountains. Many are farmers, growing corn, maize, peanuts, millet and cassava as well as raw material for agro- based industries like cotton, tomato and groundnut oil.

The region is expanding its health services to include general hospitals and primary health centres. Education is highly regarded by many. Both formal and non-formal institutions of education have been established and are funded by the government.

The Cafe* first heard about Jesus Christ through missionaries during the last century. This truth is not without competition. Another major religion has significant influence in the region and many of the Cafe still practice animistic African traditional religion. Most are not yet Christians but many are eager for Bible translation.

The Project:
The team of three Cafe people are translating the Gospel of Luke through the course of six workshops finishing in early 2009. Following this, they will translate a script for the JESUS film and produce other print and audio Scripture portions. The JESUS film is based on the gospel of Luke and is a powerful tool that vividly depicts the life of Jesus, communicating effectively to both Christians and non-Christians.

There is increasing pressure from the dominant religion in the region. Scriptures in their mother tongue will help the small number of believers to become more firmly rooted in their faith, thus equipping them to share their faith boldly with other Cafe speakers in situations that are sometimes hostile.

The Cafe translators cannot complete their goals alone. They need your help. Your financial gift will support national Bible translators by providing computers, training workshops, travel costs for consultants and project supplies. Prayerfully consider how God might use your financial gift to bring His word to the Cafe people.

Please give generously to fill this Blank Book as quickly as possible.

We are pleased to present this translation project as a result of our partnership with The Seed Company. The Seed Company helps identify and manage strategic projects like these and works with other organizations and individuals to build the needed partnerships. For more information visit www.theseedcompany.org



Vision 2025 statement

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Provide the first gospel for a people group!

Workers from Africa, Asia and Latin America are stepping forward to take up the responsibilities and challenges of Bible translation in languages in their countries. While many are willing, national translators need help. Training, technical and financial support are necessary for them to succeed. Translated Scripture is checked for clarity and accuracy. The results? Another people group receiving God’s message in their own heart language!

The Blank Book enables you to connect with Bibleless people groups around the world. The Blank Book is a way to help you help others by supporting the translation of Luke's gospel into their language.

And not just Luke's gospel but also the Jesus film, recordings of scripture and other evangelistic materials!

Please help fill this Blank Book!

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