Quick results. Eternal impact.
Make a difference!
What are some of the key steps involved in First Gospel?
- First Gospel focuses on languages without any scriptures.
- We identify churches and others with ministries in
a region.
- We help them select local people with the potential
to become mother tongue translators working as a team.
- Experienced consultants visit at least twice a year
to offer workshops and provide ongoing training and
- At the end of each workshop the translators go away
with materials that can be used among their own people.
- Where appropriate literacy is encouraged. As a minimum
recordings are made of the scriptures.
How could First Gospel impact you and your church?
- Seeing the excitement of people receiving the scriptures
for the first time reminds us all of the value of God's
- Hearing about the impact of the Jesus film there
can challenge us to reach out with the gospel here.
- Receiving inspiring project updates can make you
feel on the cutting edge of what God is doing worldwide
- Participating in such an exciting initiative can
challenge your church's faith regarding prayer, giving
and at many other levels.
Contact us to find out more about First Gospel:
- by email:[email protected]
- by phone:+44 (0) 1494 682025
- by post:First Gospel, Vision
2025, Wycliffe Centre, Horsleys Green,
High Wycombe, Bucks HP14 3XL, England
If you are based in USA, please visit our partner organisation The Seed Company
Imagine your church changing the future of a people
group with First Gospel.
"Every nation,
tribe, people
and language"
Rev 7.9
We are pleased to present this translation project as a result of our partnership with The Seed Company, a member of the Wycliffe family of organizations. The Seed Company helps identify and manage strategic projects like these and works with other organizations and individuals to build the needed partnerships.