
Scripture: John 1:1-3

An egg is the beginning of a chicken. A whole chicken is potential in that egg. In the beginning of creation, Jesus was God's expression of Himself. We use words to express ourselves, so John calls Jesus, "the Word". He was God's way of communicating His love to us. All of creation was accomplished through Jesus.  Just as all words are included in the letters A to Z in English, all Greek words were contained in their alphabet, which went from Alpha to Omega. As the entire chicken comes to us through the egg, so the entire universe came into being through Christ.

1. In the beginning, who was Jesus (the Word) and where was He?
He was God and was with God.
2. Through whom were all things made?
All things were made through Jesus.
3. Why does John call Jesus "The Word"?
Jesus is the expression of God's love to us.

Memory verse: Revelation 1:8
"I am the Alpha and the Omega—the beginning and the end," says the Lord God. "I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come, the Almighty One." (NLT)

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