
Scripture Passage: Luke 10:38-42

Making a good soup for visitors means plenty of work preparing the vegetables and doing the cooking. Martha wanted everything to be delicious and just right for her guests. Mary just wanted to be with Jesus and hear what He had to say. They both loved Jesus and wanted to have Him stay in their home. But Martha was so busy serving Him that she had no time to spend with Him. Are we like Martha, so busy serving Him that we neglect spending time with Him in prayer, Bible reading and worship?

1. Why did Martha want Mary to help her?
She had a lot of work to do to make the meal delicious.
2. What did Mary want most?
She wanted to be in the presence of Jesus.
3. What can we learn from Mary & Martha?
That we should not be so busy doing things for Jesus that we
neglect spending time with Him in worship, Bible reading and

Memory verse: Matthew 6:33
He will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern. (NLT)

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