
Scripture Passage: Matthew 24:36-42

Only God knows when Jesus will return to earth. When He comes, His people will rise to meet Him and go to be with Him in Heaven.  (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17) If two women are pounding fufu together, the one who is a Christian will be taken up to meet her Lord. If the other woman is not a Christian, she will be left behind to suffer the terrible wrath of God which will come on the earth.  Jesus wants us to be ready to meet Him.

1. Who is the only One who knows when Jesus will come back?
Only God knows.
2. What will happen to Christians when He returns?
They will go to be with Him in Heaven.
3. What will happen to those who do not know Christ as Saviour?
They will remain to suffer the judgement of God for sin.

Memory verse: Matthew 24:42
So be prepared, because you don't know what day your Lord is coming. (NLT)

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