Passage: Mark
If the people living together in a house quarrel and
fight, they destroy themselves as a family. Jesus is
the Prince of Peace. If we invite Him into our lives,
He will give us inner peace. We will then live in harmony
with each other. As we gather together for a time of
worship as a family in our home, Jesus comes to be with us.
He brings us His peace.
1. Why can a house or kingdom which is divided against
itself not stand?
Because there is no unity or peace in such
a house or kingdom.
2. Who is called "The Prince of Peace"?
Jesus is the
Prince of Peace.
3. How can we make sure that our home has unity?
By inviting Jesus,
the Prince of Peace, into our lives and homes.
Memory verse: Matthew
For where two or three gather together because they are mine, I am there among them. (NLT)