Vision 2025 quiz
How to hold a successful Vision 2025 quiz in 10 easy steps
- Get permission: Explain Vision 2025 to your church leader (find out more about it here) and get their support.
- Get help: It’ll be easier and more fun if you do this with a group. Enthuse about Vision 2025 to your house group, a Sunday school class or other friends.
- Choose a good location and date: You can use your church hall, a community hall, or even a house with a large lounge. Choose a date with as little competition as possible, so everyone won’t want to be somewhere else. Then let us know so that we can pray for you.
- Promote, promote, promote! People are more likely to come if they know about the event ahead of time. Announce it several times at church. Ask your church leaders to publicise it. Put up posters (having added your event details) and list it in your church bulletin or magazine.
- Prepare the programme: Here is a programme, including questions and answers. Or you can use your own questions.
- Set up: Create a nice environment by setting chairs around tables and a card explaining what you are raising money for. Consider also selling drinks as a way to raise money.
- Teams and fundraising: Decide on team size (usually 4 or 6 people). It takes at least four teams for it to feel like a “real” event. You could sell tickets ahead of the evening so that people commit to come. We’d suggest charging each person £2.25 for taking part. You can raise extra money by inviting people to make a contribution to Vision 2025.
- Hold the event and have fun! Be sure that during the event you explain about Vision 2025 so people know what you are raising money for.
- Send in the money you have collected: Send in a cheque with this form.
- Let people know how you did: Use this poster to let people know how much was raised.
Q: Now doesn’t that sound easy?
A: Yes!

"Commit yourself to instruction; listen carefully to words of knowledge."
Provers 23.12