Hand in hands - Africa
800M people, 380M Christians. 2100+ languages - probably 800 more translations needed..
Here are just some of the people God has called into the work involved in Bible translation:

Alemayehu and family
Alemayehucame to know Christ through High School Christian Fellowship. He grew up in the midst of severe persecution. Church buildings were confiscated and churches had to go underground.
He has planted churches and seen one grow to over 3000 people.
He has a BA in Communications and an MA in Biblical & Theological Studies. He is a Church elder and teaches in theological colleges.
It was his heart felt desire to join a ministry who is engaged in Bible translation and he now serves in Africa.

Jerry and family
Jerrygrew up in a Christian family and gave his life to Christ at the age of 12. He attended a mission’s secondary school where he learned more about God and was baptized.
He is married to Julieand they have 3 children. He has worked in Christian radio and media and has led church planting and evangelistic organisations in Africa.
He is now involved with getting the Church in Africa to see Bible translation as a key mission strategy.

Lydiacame to know the Lord at an early age of 10 but didn’t have a real relationship with Jesus until 7 years later when she lost her dad with AIDS. It was so devastating. She started asking God deeper questions and asked God to use her for his purposes. She got a job in Bible translation and she has been challenged to see the African church take up its responsibility for Bible translation. Bible translation is the whole reason she has been able to know who she is in Christ.
She is single and has a BA Arts and is pursuing a degree in

Kip and Edna
Kipwas blessed because of a broken leg. He was in a remote area without pain killers for 4 days before a stretcher was made to carry him for a day to the police station where he could be driven to hospital 50 miles away. He was in hospital 10 months and some missionaries from the UK gave him a Bible to read. He gave his life to the Lord. Ednabecame a Christian in primary school.
Kip has a diploma in Personnel and Counselling and ministers to Africans involved in Bible translation. Edna is trained as a nurse, with an additional diploma in Counselling. She works with Kip in counselling African members.
Join hands with workers in Africa

represented on these pages are just some of the people urgently needing sponsors
to join hands with them so they can fully play their part in Vision 2025.
gifts go towards workers from the area of the world you select.These workers
could working or preparing to go to anywhere in the world. However most will
remain in their area.
Your gifts will be used to match gifts given locally
by their churches, friends and families. They will treasure the thought that
you care.
We will send you updates from time to time about the workers in this
programme so that you can be inspired by what the church worldwide is achieving
workers from Asia
workers from India
workers from Latin America
hands with workers in Africa
out more about the Hand in Hands programme