Hand in hands - Asia
2.8Bn people, 300M Christians. 1800+ languages - probably 1200 more translations needed..
Here are just some of the people God has called into the work involved in Bible translation:

'Vincent'*left a comfortable job as in computing to follow God's call to become a future missionary
Bible translator in a minority group in south east Asia. He had been aware of God's call to the mission
field in his college days but did not know what particular direction to take. Seven years later, he met a Bible translator who shared the vision
of bringing the word of God to people who have no Bibles of their own.
Vincent has just finishing his training. In his home church he serves on the pastoral staff and also leads evangelistic worship services.
'Maria'*became a believer in College. She was challenged about missions. She was most challenged by the lives of missionaries she met. She served in a number of short-term missions. It was a training ground for her. During this time, she felt God call her to a specific people group in south east Asia. On a visit there, she realised this group
needs Bible translation in order for them to know God so she has trained as a Bible translator.
'Gary and Carmen'*“Whom shall I send?” Confronted by this question, they responded, “Here we are Lord, send us!”Gary accepted Christ as Lord and Savior during a Billy Graham Crusade. Later, the Lord placed
a burden in his heart for mission. For the last eight years, he has attended training and been on mission trips. Carmen experienced a time in her life as a professional that was empty and she found the Lord in that experience. Then she saw a vision of a large crowd of people. In that vision some were tall,
others were short, some were white and others were black. They were wearing their tribal
costumes, were raising their hands in worship to God. She was in the midst of them. This vision
pursued her and ignited her calling to go to mission.
Both of them worked in manufacturing. Little did they know that their backgrounds were meant to prepare them for doing linguistic analysis, literacy work, and Bible translation. God confirmed their calling in Acts 13:47, ‘For this is what the Lord has commanded us: “I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.” They are now ready to go to an area in Asia where the number of languages needing translation is high.
'Helen'*came to know Christ at a youth camp. The facilitators presented a drama
and related it to the gospel. She realized then that she needed Jesus Christ as Savior. She felt called to missionary work because God spoke to her through his Word. Through her devotions he confirmed her calling. She chose Bible translation because it is where she can use the gifts God has given her.
'James'*worked as a researcher/analyst in the Goverment when he felt called by God to leave his job and study in a seminary. But he was unwilling. So he asked three specific signs from God. And the signs were granted! He soon left his job and went to a seminary.
James' mother died at the same moment he was sharing the Gospel to a Buddhist away from his homeland. He was deeply struck by those sad but symbolic twin events. It seemed that God spoke to his heart, "People will die, James. They need to hear and believe my words of Life so that they will live again." These events have convinced James of God's call as a missionary to the Buddhists.
Through prayers, discerning the gifts of God and advice of friends and teachers, James felt that he could best serve God as a translator. He felt called to serve among the Buddhists in South Asia. He will soon be sent as a missionary translator there.
'Gina'*came to know the Lord through a Christian campus ministry. Her love for the Lord led her to be involved in different Christian organizations. She felt the definite call of the Lord for cross-cultural missions.
Through a friend, she heard about Bible translation and the literacy work that goes alongside. Compelled by God's love, Gina took a step of faith and trained.
She was involved in one project where God's word is currently being translated. She contributed in making literacy materials and taught youth, adults and trained teachers for their own people.
In response to Vision 2025, Gina is preparing herself to be assigned to a predominately Muslim country in Asia.
Join hands with workers
in Asia
*names have been changed due to the sensitive areas that people work in.