Hand in hands - India
1Bn people, 25M Christians. 400+ languages - probably 100 more translations needed..
India - the progress and the needs:
the India video: Quicktime format (22mb)
the India video: Windows Media format (20mb)
Here are just some of the people
God has called into the work involved in Bible translation:
Daniel and Sunila*work in a people group numbering several million in northern India. The team has been spending time in learning to speak the language for better communication and comprehension. They are planning to produce papers about the language as well as a dictionary with all the words they have collected. The dictionary will help people to understand two trade languages. In the coming days they plan to start literacy classes and produce booklets, story books and Bible stories.
Victor and Elizabeth*moved to their people group recently. They are learning the language. This group has a population of several hundred thousand people. They are well accepted in the community among whom they live but there are fundamental groups opposing their work and they are trusting God for their protection and safety.
David and Hannah*and Arun and Marion* have just started in a people group of under 100,000. The literacy rate is reported to be only 1%. They have completed a survey and taken training. They are seeking God on how to reach out to this community.
Michael and Naomi*have been involved in the final revision and checking of the New Testament for a people group. The New Testament was recently dedicated and now they are visiting villages and Churches to bring awareness of Scriptures in their mother tongue. They have started literacy classes in different villages. They are also working on scripture on tapes and an oral scripture project.
Stephen and Rosa*live among one of the most marginalised people groups in India. The group has a great desire to read and write in their own language. They are building awareness among the various Christian denominations. The team plans to prepare an alphabet, train youngsters to teach literacy classes, distribute materials and work with churches to reach the group.
Peter and Anna*have already prepared three booklets of stories and a dictionary for the people group they work in. They are now starting to translate the New Testament.
*names changed due to sensitive situations
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workers in India

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play their part in Vision 2025.
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thought that you care.
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hands with workers in India
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